נוימן חני, ד”ר

דרגה ותפקיד: מרצה בכיר
כתובת דוא״ל: hnouman@univ.haifa.ac.il
טלפון: 04-8240806 (00000)
שעות קבלה: בתיאום מראש
חדר: בניין הפקולטה למדעי הרווחה והבריאות, קומה 6, חדר 636.
שייכות לחוג / ביה”ס / יחידה:
חני נוימן


Dr. Hani Nouman is a senior faculty member at the School of Social Work, a licensed social worker with extensive practical experience in the professional field of community intervention. Dr. Nouman completed her PhD at Tel Aviv University (Direct Doctoral Track) and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Ulster University of Northern Ireland.

Her core research activity focuses on examining and conceptualizing the engagement of social workers in social change processes. This framework encompasses studies dealing with social workers’ involvement in policy design processes (“policy practice”), social entrepreneurship in social work, and community interventions. These studies are conducted from a multicultural perspective, with an emphasis on minority groups in society. Dr. Nouman’s core research activity is theoretical application oriented and is intended to address social problems and promote social change, thereby advancing the social work profession.

Dr. Nouman’s articles have been published in leading journals such as American Journal of Community Psychology” and “British Journal of Social Work”. She supervises thesis and doctoral students in social work and has received a number of research grants and awards, including a grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF-2018-2021, 2024-2027).

In 2021, Dr. Nouman won the Rector’s Award for Outstanding Young Researcher.

In addition to these academic pursuits, Dr. Nouman has remained strongly involved in policy design processes. She is a member of various academic committees, including board membership at ESPAnet Israel, committee of expertise in management in the Ministry of Social Affairs and social Services, and a committee for social involvement in the University of Haifa senate. She serves as the Head of the Graduate Program for Leadership and Social Change at the School of Social Work. In addition, she is a member of an international researchers’ special interest group (SIG) forum for the advancement of research and teaching in policy practice, is a voluntary consultant for various communities, and is an active member of policy shaping committees.





Nouman, H., & #Ravitz, R. (2025). “Intertwined worlds”: The impact of religion as a cultural system on minority social workers’ policy engagement. British Journal of Social Work.  https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcaf002

#Posklinsky, I., & Nouman, H. (2025). Community building in crisis: Interventions with displaced communities in temporary housing shelters. Journal of Community Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.23170

Nouman, H. (2024). “Biting the hand that feeds”: Ethnic minorities as policy actors within organizations. British Journal of Social Work, 1-19.

Nouman, H., & Choi, D.Y. (2024). Social entrepreneurship in social work in multicultural societies: A majority and minority lens social work. British Journal of Social Work, bcae127. https://doi-org/10.1093/bjsw/bcae127

Birger, L. Tarshish, N., & Nouman, H. (2024). Expanding the boundaries of hospitality: The relationship between Ukrainian refugees and their hosts. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(16), 3942-3958.

Nouman, H. (2024). Involvement of minority social workers in social policy: Frontline managers’ discretion. British Journal of Social Work, 54, 2698–2716.

Nouman, H. (2024). Community coping challenges among evacuees during a prolonged emergency: Looking ahead. Society & Welfare. V (Hebrew).

Nouman, H., Cnaan, R. A., & Choi, D. Y. (2024). Human service organizations as an arena for social intrapreneurship: A cross‐country analysis. Human Service Organizations Management Leadership & Governance, 1-13.

Nouman, H., & Azaiza, F. (2024). “Raising their voices”: Explaining the policy practice of minority social workers. International Social Work, 67(4), 1004-1015.

Nouman, H., & Cohen, N. (2023). When active representation is not enough: Minority street- level bureaucrats and policy entrepreneurship. Policy Sciences, 56(4), 777-795.

#Awad, J., & Nouman, H. (2023). Policy practice in non-profit ethnic minority organisations: Tension axes and supportive intra-organisational conditions. British Journal of Social Work, 53(8), 3780-3798.

Nouman, H., & Cnaan, R.A. (2023). From vision into action‏: Community Social Workers as Social Entrepreneurs. Society & Welfare, 33(2), 42-64. V (Hebrew).

Tarshis, N., Nouman, H., & Altshuler, A. (2023). COVID-19 and the changing roles of social workers in minority communities: Lessons from the Israeli Ultra-Orthodox community. International Social Work, 67(3), 761-776.

Nouman, H. (2023). Community organizing during the covid-19 pandemic: How should we act when it comes to minority communities? American Journal of Community Psychology, 71(3-4), 423-436.

Nouman, H., & Cnaan, R. A. (2023). Community social workers as social entrepreneurs: Lessons from Israel. International Social Work, 67(2), 397-410.

Nouman, H., Tarshis, N., & Altshuler, A. (2022). Culturally competent policy practice in minority communities during the covid-19 pandemic: Contextual and structural perspective. British Journal of Social Work, 53(2), 1183-1203.‏

Alfandari, R., Enosh, G., Nouman, H., Dolev, L., & Daskal-Weichhendle, H. (2022). Judgements of physicians, nurses, and social workers regarding suspected child maltreatment in community health care services. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6), 4782-4792.

Nouman, H., & Azaiza, F. (2022). Challenges underlying the involvement of social workers from minority groups in policy practice. Australian Social Work, 75(4), 445-457.

Strier, R., Nouman, H., & #Kantrowitz, N. (2021). Knowing poverty: Social workers’ perceptions of poverty knowledge‏. Journal of Social Work, 22(4), 896-914.

Nouman, H., & Azaiza, F. (2021). Personal, professional and political: minority social workers as policy actors. European Journal of Social Work, 25(4), 720-731.

Nouman, H. (2021). Social work practice with ethnic minorities during the COVID-19      pandemic: Learning from the Arab minority in Israel. British Journal of Social Work, 51(5), 1680-1699.

Nouman, H., & Cnaan, R. A. (2021). Toolbox recommendations for social workers to promote successful social entrepreneurship. Social Work, 66(4), 317-328.‏

Søbjerg, L. M., Taylor, B. J., Przeperski, J., Horvat, S., Nouman, H., & Harvey, D. (2021). Using risk factor statistics in decision-making: Prospects and challenges. European Journal of Social Work, 24(5), 788-801.‏

Nouman, H., & Cnaan, R. A. (2020). Social entrepreneurship in social work: Opportunities for success. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 13(1), 27-46.

Nouman, H., & Zanbar, L. (2020). Support or Stressor? The community as a predictor of perceptions of infertility. Social Work in Health Care, 59(9-10), 650-667.

Enosh, G., #Alfandari, R., Nouman, H., Dolev, L., & Daskal-Weichhendle, H. (2020). Assessing, consulting, reporting heuristics in professional decision-making regarding suspected child maltreatment in community healthcare services. Child Maltreatment, 26(3) 291-301.

Nouman, H., & #Alfandari, R. (2020). Identifying children suspected for maltreatment: The assessment process taken by healthcare professionals working in community healthcare services. Children and Youth Services Review, 113, 1-8.

Zanbar, L., & Nouman, H. (2020). Predictors of self-efficacy among residents of low- income neighborhoods: Implications for social work practice. Journal of Social Work, 21(3) 513–532. 

Nouman, H., #Alfandari, R., Enosh, G., Dolev, L., & Daskal-Weichhendlercd, H. (2019). Mandatory reporting between legal requirements and personal interpretations: Community healthcare professionals’ reporting of child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 101, 1-9.

Nouman, H. (2021). Understanding and promoting culturally competent policy practice in multicultural societies. Bitachon Soziali, Journal of Welfare and Social Security Studies, 115, 115-130. (Hebrew).

Nouman, H. (2019). Between majority and minority: A model for understanding and promoting culturally competent policy practice in multicultural societies. British Journal of Social Work, 50(2), 506–524.

Nouman, H., Levin, L., & Lavee, E. (2019). Working through barriers: Shaping social workers’ engagement in policy practice. British Journal of Social Work, 50(4), 1107-1125.‏

Enosh, G., Nouman, H., & Schneck, C. (2018). Child’s religiosity, ethnic origin and gender: Risk assessment and placement decisions in cases of ambiguous risk to children from low-SES families. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(7), 766-774.

Nouman, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2018). Religious women’s coping with infertility: Do culturally adapted religious coping strategies contribute to well-being and health? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26(2), 154-164.‏

Nouman, H., Enosh, G., & Jarjoura, A. (2018). Between professional norms and professionalism: risk assessment and decision-making of Arab social workers regarding children at risk. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(5), 572-583.

Lavee, E., Cohen, N., & Nouman, H. (2018). Reinforcing public responsibility? Influences and practices in street‐level bureaucrats’ engagement in policy design. Public Administration, 96(2), 333-348.‏

Nouman, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2017). The contribution of social-environmental factors to the emotional adjustment of Israeli religious Jewish women coping with infertility. Women & Health, 59(4), 433-448.

Enosh, G., Nouman, H., & Sharon, O. (2017). Between professionalism and traditional social norms: Social workers’ parental custody recommendations. British Journal of Social Work, 47(7), 2032–2048.

Nouman, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2016). Religious coping in stressful situations. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 38(2), 184-209.‏

Enosh, G., Nouman, H., & Anbtawi, R. (2016). Evaluating child custody recommendations of Arab social workers in Israel: Between traditionalism and professional decision making. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(8), 964-972.

Nouman, H., Enosh, G., & Niselbaum-Atzur, P. (2016). The role of parental communication, child’s wishes and child’s gender in social workers’ custody recommendations. Children and Youth Services Review, 70, 302-308.

Benyamini, Y., Nouman, H., & Alkalay, Y. (2015). Perceived control over the medical procedures and its association with adjustment to a low-control situation: The case of infertility. Psychology Health & Medicine, 21(4), 476-482.

Weiss-Gal, I., & Nouman, H. (2015). “Money makes the world go around”:  Social workers in parliamentary finance committees in Israel. Journal of Social Work, 16(4), 393–411.


Policy Practice with/by minority groups

Social entrepreneurship in social work

Community Interventions in Multicultural Societies