גילי חוטר ישי
גילי חוטר ישי Gill Hoter Ishay (Sup.Prof David Roe)ghertsman@gmail.com BackgroundGili is an occupational therapist, holds a bachelor and Master’s degree in occupational therapy from Tel Aviv university. Giliis a lecturer at the…
גילי חוטר ישי Gill Hoter Ishay (Sup.Prof David Roe)ghertsman@gmail.com BackgroundGili is an occupational therapist, holds a bachelor and Master’s degree in occupational therapy from Tel Aviv university. Giliis a lecturer at the…
ענת רוטשטיין Anat Rotstein (Sup. Prof. David Roe & Prof. Stephen Levin) rotstein.anat@gmail.com BackgroundAnat has a BA in psychology from the University of Haifa, an MsC in Industrial Psychology from the Technion and…
שרה דעאס עיראקי Sara Daass Iraqi (Sup. Prof David Roe & Dr Michal Mashiach)saradaass@walla.co.il BackgroundSara is an occupational therapist, holds a bachelor and master's degree in occupational therapy from Tel Aviv University.…
חנאן אבו ג'בל Hanan Abu Jabel (Sup. Prop. Perla Werner) hanan.abojabel.1987@live.com BackgroundHanan received her B.A. in Sociology and Education from the University of Haifa in 2009,…
טלי רוט Tali Roth-vorchheimertali.r@b-e.org.il BackgroundI am an educator and a consular for nearliy 20 years..., hold a bachelor degree and special education teaching diploma from Seminar Oranim. My master's degree in…
יוסף מאירסון Joseph Meyerson (Sup. Prof. Marc Gelkopf),hypnoclinic10@gmail.com BackgroundJoseph Meyerson M.A, is a Clinical Psychologist, Hypnotic Psychotherapist, and Supervisor at HypnoClinic, a state-approved institute for hypnosis education and training in Tel Aviv. …
יעל לבאות yael levaot (Sup. Dr. Talya Greene)ylevaot@gmail.com BackgroundYael has a BA in Education from the Hebrew University, and an MA in Early Childhood Studies from Ryerson University in Toronto. She works as a…
סיגל מאוטנר Sigal Mautner (Sup. Prof. Marc Gelkopf),simautner@gmail.com BackgroundSigal is a clinical social worker, Psycho- dramatist & family therapist. She is an expert in trauma & serious mental illness treatment. Sigal has…
הגר כהן סבן (ברוך) Hagar Cohen Saban (Baruch) (Sup. Prof. Perla Werner)hagarcohensivan@gmail.com BackgroundHagar is a nurse. Received MA in nursing from the University of Haifa. In addition, received M.A. in Gerontology from…
יערה זיסמן-אילני Yaara Zisman-Ilani (Sup. Prof. David Roe, Dr. Orit Karnieli-Miller),yaaraz@windowslive.com Background Yaara Zisman-Ilani is an Assistant Professor at the College of Public Health,…