Risk Communication and Infectious Diseases in an Age of Digital Media // Prof. Anat Gesser-Edelsburg and Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz

Risk Communication and Infectious Diseases in an Age of Digital Media

In a digital world where the public’s voice is growing increasingly strong, how can health experts best exert influence to contain the global spread of infectious diseases? Digital media sites provide an important source of health information, however are also powerful platforms for the public to air personal experiences and concerns. This has led to a growing phenomenon of civil skepticism towards health issues including Emerging Infectious Diseases and epidemics.

Following the shift in the role of the public from recipients to a vocal entity, this book explores the different organizational strategies for communicating public health information and identifies common misconceptions that can inhibit effective communication with the public. Drawing on original research and a range of global case studies, this timely volume offers an important assessment of the complex dynamics at play in managing risk and informing public health decisions.

Providing thought-provoking analysis of the implications for future health communication policy and practice, this book is primarily suitable for academics and graduate students interested in understanding how public health communication has changed. It may also be useful to health care professionals.

ניתן למצוא עותק של הספר בספריית האוניברסיטה, יונס וסוראיה נזריאן, אוסף כללי-R119.9 .G37 2017

ספרים פתוחים
Risk Communication and Infectious Diseases in an Age of Digital Media // Prof. Anat Gesser-Edelsburg and Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz