בראון-אפל אורנה, פרופ’ (אמריטה)

דרגה ותפקיד: פרופ’ מן המניין (אמריטה)
כתובת דוא״ל: ornaepel@research.haifa.ac.il
טלפון: 04-8288009
שעות קבלה: בתיאום מראש
חדר: חדר 428, קומה 4, בניין הפקולטה למדעי הרווחה והבריאות
שייכות לחוג / ביה”ס / יחידה:
תחומי מחקר: גורמים חברתיים שמשפיעים על בריאות (אפידמיולוגיה חברתית), קידום בריאות, חינוך לבריאות, מניעת היפגעויות, התנהגויות בריאות, אוריינות בריאות
פעילות מחקרית: CRIS
Orna Baron Epel


Prof. Baron-Epel has a BSc and PhD in Biology from the Tel Aviv University and a MPH from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Today she is a full professor and head of the center for Evaluation of Health Promotion Interventions at the School of Public Health.  She teaches public health, health promotion and planning, evaluating and implementing health promotion interventions. In addition she mentors over 15 PhD and MPH students.  Prof. Baron-Epel developed and run the department of health promotion in Macabbi Healthcare Services during the years 1988-1995 and then was in charge of publications at the Israel Center for Disease Control between 1995-2000. In 2000 she started teaching at the University of Haifa and developed the Health Promotion Department at the School of Public Health of which she was one of the founders.  During the years 2014-2019  Prof. Baron-Epel served as health of the School of Public Health. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Q5vs_UcvE  חשופים סרטון קצר:



 TV interview 29 July 2020: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5213504790


Prof Baron-Epel’s research interests include social epidemiology, health promotion, health behaviors, injury prevention and inequalities in health between Arabs and Jews. Her latest work includes areas such as discrimination, social support, social capital and their relation to health. In addition she studies health literacy and injury prevention. Many of her studies evaluate health promotion interventions run by various organizations such as the Ministry of Health.

Orna has published over 100 articles in leading public health, health promotion peer reviewed journals, edited a book on health promotion.

For more information on the Center for Evaluation of health promotion interventions see: 




 Lecture at the one health conference 20th January 2022



Media publication

“Israel Today” 21th July 2020 English



“Israel Today” 20th July 2020 Hebrew-



“Israel Today” 26th of July 2020  Hebrew-   



“Israel Today” 1st of August 2020  Hebrew-   



“Israel Today” 9th of August 2020  Hebrew- 



“Israel Today” 20th of August 2020  Hebrew- 



“Israel Today”  6 of September 2020  Hebrew- 



 I24 on January 2022



Edited Book, Published 2016

Image result for ‫קידום בריאות בישראל מתיאוריה למעשה‬‎

Publications in last 5 years

Neter E., Brainin, E., Baron-Epel, O(2016). Health literacy and eHealth literacy; structure, association and group differences. European Health Psychologist. 17 (6), 275-280.


Tesler R($), Harel-Fisch Y, Baron-Epel O. (2016). School health promotion policies and adolescent risk behaviors in Israel: a multilevel analysis. Journal School Health. 86, 435-443.

Kaplan, G($)., Baron-Epel, O. (2016). Decision-makers’ acquaintance with the public’s priorities in health services. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research. 5:32.

Baron-Epel, O., Obid S($)., Fertig, S. ($), Gitelman. V. (2016). Perceived descriptive safety-related driving norms within and outside Arab towns and villages in Israel. Traffic Injury Prevention. 17(1), 51-57.

Berardi, V., Bellettiere, J., Nativ, O($)., Slezak, L., Hovell, F.M., Baron-Epel, O. (2016). Fatalism, Diabetes Management Outcomes, and the Role of Religiosity. Health and Religion, 55(2), 602-617.


Baron-Epel, O., Berardi, V., Bellettiere, J., Shalata, W($). (2017). The relation between discrimination, sense of coherence and health varies according to ethnicity; a study among three distinct populations in Israel. Journal of Immigration and Minority Health. 19, 1386-1396.

Moran, M. ($)Baron-Epel, O., Plaut, P. (2016). Do children walk where they bike? Exploring built environment correlates of children’s walking and bicycling. Journal of Transportation and Land Use. 9(2), 1-23.

Levin-Zamir, D., El Hayani, A., Baron-Epel, O. (2016). The relationship between health literacy, health behavior, socio-economic indicators and self-assessed health in a national adult sample in Israel. Journal of Health Communication. 21, sup2, 61-68.

Heymann, A., O. Fridman, N., Kaplan, G., Baron-Epel, O. (2016). Unsupportive social interactions are associated with Poorer Self-Reported Health in Israeli patients with diabetes. American Journal of Health Behavior. 40(5), 645-651.

Elias, W., Bord, S($)., Baron-Epel, O., Geser -Edelsberg, A., Shiftan, Y., (2017). Factors influencing the decision to engage in alcohol-impaired driving among Arab-Israeli youths. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 44, 180-191.

Sznitman, S., Bord, S($)., Elias, W., Geser -Edelsberg, A., Shiftan, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2017). Examining the Sociocultural Sensitivity of Subjective Drunkenness: Comparing Arab and Jewish Israeli Pub Patrons. Drug and Alcohol Review. 36, 813-819.

Amit-Aharon, A($)., Nehama, H., Rishpon, S., Baron-Epel, O. (2017). Parents with high levels of communicative and critical health literacy are less likely to vaccinate their children. Patient Education and Counseling. 100,768-775.

Sznitman S., Bord, S($)., Elias, W., Geser -Edelsberg, A., Shiftan, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2017). Cross-Cultural Validity in Self-Reported Alcohol Use. European Addiction Research. 23(2), 71-76.

Amit AharonA., A., Nehama, H., RishponS., Baron-Epel, O. (2017). Social-Economic-Demographic Differences for Reasons Not To Comply With Routine Childhood Vaccines. Harefua 157(1), 16-20. (Hebrew).

Regev-Avraham Z, Baron-Epel O, Hammond SK, Keinan-Boker L (2018). Passive smoking, NAT2 polymorphism and breast cancer risk in Israeli Arab women – a case-control study. Breast Cancer25 (2) 176-184.


Siman-Tov, M. Baron-Epel,O. Peleg, K. (2018). Reported Safety Environment Predicts Injuries among Children Age 1-6 in Specific Communities. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 54, 793-799.

Baron-EpelO., Bord, S., Cohen-Dar M., Obeid S. (2018). A cross sectional survey assessing knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding brucellosis among Arab Israelis BMC Public Health 18:516.

Amit-AharonA., Nehama, H., RishponS., Baron-Epel, O. (2018). A path analysis model suggesting the association between health locus of control and compliance with childhood vaccinations. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 14 (9).


Haimi M., Brammli-Greenberg, S., Waisman, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2018). Physicians’ experiences, attitudes and challenges in a Pediatric Telemedicine Service. Pediatric Research. 2018 Nov; 84(5):650-656.

Tesler, R., Bord, S., Limion, S., Bibi, H., Fish, R., Baron-Epel, O. (2018). Call out and Read: Evaluation of a clinic based intervention to promote story reading to infants by parents. Gof Yeda, 16, 28-36 (Hebrew).

Hayek, S., Tessler, R., Bord, S., Endevelt, R., Satran, C., Livne, I., Khatib, M., Harel-Fish, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2019). Do Israeli Health Promoting Schools Contribute to Students’  Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Habits? Health Promotion International. 34(1), 102-112.

 HaGani, N., Moran, M., Caspi, O., Plaut, P. Endvelt, R., Baron-Epel O. (2019). The Relationships between Adolescents’ Obesity, Socio-economic Status and The Built Environment: Are They City Dependent? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 1579.

Schor, A., Bergovoy-Yellin, L., Landsberger, D., Kolobov, T., Baron-Epel, O. (2019). Multidisciplinary Work Promotes Preventive Medicine and Health Education in Primary Care- A Cross-Sectional Survey. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 8;50.

Baron-Epel, O., Levin-Zamir, D., El Hayani, A., (2019). Internal locus of control, health literacy and health, an Israeli cultural perspective.   Health Promotion International 34(2);248-257.

Haimi M., Brammli-Greenberg, S., Waisman, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2019). The Role of Non-Medical Factors in Physicians’ Decision-Making Process in a Pediatric Telemedicine service. Health Informatics Journal.

DOI: 10.1177/1460458219870660


Amit-AharonA., Nehama, H., RishponS., Baron-Epel, O. (2019). Different reasons for not completing routine vaccination among Jewish and Arab children in Israel. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-019-00658-w


Levin-Zamir D., Baron-Epel, O. (2019). Health literacy in Israel – from measurement to intervention: two case studies.  Information Services and Use. 40 (1-2);17-25DOI 10.3233/ISU-200070

Siman-Tov M. Tur-Sinai, A. Kolobov T, Baorn-Epel O. Harel-Fisch Y. (2020). Youth Injury and Parents’ Unemployment—The Importance of Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity Context. European Journal of Public Health. 30(5); 911-915. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckaa061.

Haimi, M, Brammli-Greenberg, S., Baron-Epel, O., Waisman, Y. (2020)
Assessing Patient Safety in a Pediatric Telemedicine Setting: a Multi-Methods Study.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making2020 Apr 3;20(1):63. DOI: 10.1186/s12911-020-1074-7.

Tor Sinai, A., Kolobov, T., Tesler, R., Baron-Epel, O., Dvir, K. (2020). Associations between Socioeconomic and Family Determinants and Weight-Control Behaviours among Adolescents. International Journal of Public Health. 65;1689-1698.

DOI 10.1007/s00038-020-01498-w

Puddister, S., Ali-Saleh, O., Cohen-Dar, M., Baron-Epel, O. (2020). Health may be compromised by social interactions depending on culture among postpartum Arab and Jewish Israeli women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth20:480. DOI.org/10.1186/s12884-020-03168-4

Baron-Epel, O., Paldi, Y., Bord, S., Kadish, D., Guttman, E., Moran, D.S., Tesler, R. (2021). Social capital and health among participants in the Cachibol League in Israel. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 56(6) 877-896.

DOI: 10.1177/1012690220968114/ ID: IRSS-20-0066

Zacay, G. Baron Epel, O. Malatskey, L. Heymann, T. (2021). Preferences and barriers to the utilization of primary health care by sick physicians; a nationwide survey. Family Practice. 38(2):109-114 .



Bar Ilan, D., Reingewertz, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2021). Healthy cities and self-reported health: Evidence from Israel. Global Health Promotion


Paldi Y., Moran, DS., Baron-Epel, O., Shiran Bord, S., Tesler, R. (2021). Ethnic Disparities in Social Capital and Health among Jewish and Arab

Participants in the Israeli Mamanet Cachibol League. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, 295. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18010295


Barki-Harrington, L., Baron-Epel , O., Shaulov, A., Akria, L., Barshay, Y., Dally, N., Deshet, D., Inbar, T., Koren-Michowitz, Leiba, M., Moshe, Y., Shvidel, L., Tadmor, T., Yagenah, S., Zektser M., Preis, M., Hellman I, Yahalom , V., Aviv, A. (2021). Willingness and concerns of transfusion-dependent hematological patients towards the option of home transfusion (HT) therapy. Palliative Care. 35(5), 927-932.


Neter E., Brainin, E., Baron-Epel, O(2021). Group differences in health literacy are ameliorated in eHealth literacy. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 9:1, 480-497.


Myers, V., Malkin, G., Nir, N., Orr, D., Baron-Epel, O. (2021). Evaluation of an intervention to reduce child injury in Bedouin communities in Southern Israel. Injury Prevention


Myers, V., Orr, D., Vered-Chen L., Baron-Epel, O. (2021). Design and Implementation of a multifaceted injury prevention intervention in Bedouin children in southern Israel. Injury Prevention


Rudolf, MCJ., Bord, S., Hasson, R., Sahar, Y., Rubin, L., Manor N., Paldi, Y., Baron-Epel, O. (2021). Between-country analysis of implementing an obesity prevention intervention using RE-AIM: HENRY in Israel and UK. Health Promotion International


Paldi Y., Moran, DS., Baron-Epel, O., Shiran Bord, S., Benarzi E., Tesler, R. (2021).

Social capital as a mediator in the link between women’s participation in team sports and health-related outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health . 18, 9331.



Myers, V., Obeid, S., Kababya, D., Bord, S., Baron-Epel, O. (2021). Identifying ways to reduce the spread of brucellosis by consulting the community: A mixed methods study. Small Ruminant Research, 204, 106520.


Kilian C., et al (2022). Self-reported changes in alcohol and tobacco use during

COVID-19: findings from the eastern part of WHO European

Region. European Journal of Public Health