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תפריט ראשי של האתר

רוזה שמש

rozaRosa Shemesh (Sup. Prof. Marc Gelkopf)


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Back round

 Rosa Shemesh an Israeli based psychodramatic, holding a BA from Tel Aviv University (IL) - School of Social Work and a master degree from the Haifa University (IL), the faculty of Social Sciences School of Criminology. In 2018, she completed an original research paper on the dreams of addicts of psychoactive substances, according to Moreno's philosophy and his theory. The research was presented at a national conference of Association of Criminology in Israel, and at international conference of IAGP in Iseo Italy.

She is Member of the Israeli Association for Psychodrama, trainer and supervisor. She served as chair of the Israel Psychodrama Association. For 20 years, she was the director of an addiction treatment center in Yavne city of the Ministry of Social Affairs.  Her specialization is in psychodrama therapy with addicts and their families.

She taught and supervised psychodrama students and supervisors at the Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv.

Currently Shemesh is running a private clinic, focused on the supervision of psychodramatists. She a member of TIP (Transcultural InterVision Psychodrama) group, consisting of FEPTO (The Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organization) members.

She has published a book of poem.

Current Research

Rosa Shemesh joined the Department for Community Mental Health at the University of Haifa as a PhD student in October 2019. Her research focuses on Relationships between addicts and their spouses from the women's perspective  This proposed research focuses on women, seeking to learn how they experience their choices and their spousal relationship with addicts men, not only with reference to their husbands. These understandings can help develop a humanistic approach to women and devise effective therapeutic programs for treatment.


Expanding and deepening the knowledge of addiction disease. Especially in the area of the addict's psychological world and his relationships. The approach main is from the perspective of humanistic theories such as that of J.L. Moreno. Expanding the knowledge base to develop effective interventions in rewarding and treatment of addicts. Guidance and training of addiction therapists and psychodramatists; The Moranian theory and its psychodramatic ways of intervention; Leading groups; Poetry and literature.