Yagil Dana, Prof.

Publications (5 years)
Luria, G., Yagil, D. & Gal, I.(2014). Quality and productivity: role conflict in the service context. Service Industries Journal. 34, 955-973.
Luria, G., Gal, I. & Yagil, D. (2015) Spending more time with the customer: Service- providers’ behavioral discretion and call-center operations. Service Business 9, 427-443.
Yagil, D. (2015). Display rules for kindness: Outcomes of suppressing benevolent emotions. Motivation and Emotion. 39, 156-166.
Yagil, D, Biron, M., Pat, D., Mizrahi-Reuveni, M. & Zoller, L. (2015). Accurate diagnosis of patients’ distress levels: The effect of family physicians’ ability to take the patient’s perspective . Patient Education and Counseling, 98, 1631-1635.(equal contribution of first two authors).
Yagil, D., & Medler-Liraz, H. (2015). Clinical Expert or Service Provider? Physicians’ Identity Work in the Context of Counterprofessional Patient Requests. Qualitative Health Research, 25, 1199-1211.
Luria, G., Levanon, A., Yagil, D., & Gal, I. (2016). Status, national culture and customers’ propensity to complain. Social Indicators Research, 126, 309-330.
Yagil, D., Cohen, M., & Beer, J. D. (2016). Older adults’ coping with the stress involved in the use of everyday technologies. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 35,131-149.
Yagil, D., & Luria, G. (2016). Customer forgiveness of unsatisfactory service: Manifestations and antecedents. Service Business, 10, 557-579.
Yagil, D., & #Shnapper-Cohen, M. (2016). When authenticity matters most: Physicians’ regulation of emotional display and patient satisfaction. Patient Education and Counseling, 99 1694-1698.
Drach-Zahavy, A., Yagil, D., & Cohen, I. (2017). Social model of emotional labour and client satisfaction: exploring inter-and intrapersonal characteristics of the client− provider encounter. Work & Stress, 31, 182-208.
Yagil, D., & Medler-Liraz, H. (2017). Personally committed to emotional labor: Surface acting, emotional exhaustion and performance among service employees with a strong need to belong. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22, 481-491.
Yagil, D. & Shultz, T. (2017) Service with a conscience: Moral dilemmas in customer service roles. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27, 689-711.
Amir, Z., Popa, A., Tamminga, S. Yagil, D. Munir, F. & De Boer, A. (2018). Employer’s management of employees affected by cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26, 681-684.
Subramony, M.; Ehrhart, K.; Groth, M.; Holtom, B. C; van Jaarsveld, D. D; Yagil, D.; Darabi, T.; Walker, D.; Bowen, D. E; Fisk, R. P; Grönroos, C.; Wirtz, J. (2018). Accelerating employee-related scholarship in service management: Research streams, propositions, and commentaries. Journal of Service Management, 28, 837-865.
Subramony, M., Solnet, D., Groth, M., Yagil, D. Hartley, N., Kim, P. B., Golubovskaya, M. (2018). Service work in 2050: Toward a work ecosystems perspective. Journal of Service Management (Special Issue: Theorizing Beyond the Horizon), 29, 956-974.
Yagil, D. Eshed-Lavi, N., Carel, R. & Cohen, M. (2018). Healthcare professionals’ perspective on return to work of cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 27, 1206-1212. Yagil, D., & Medler-Liraz, H. (2019). The effect of customer social status and dissatisfaction on service performance. Service Business, 13, 153-169.
Yagil, D. Goldblatt, H. & Cohen, M. (2019). Dyadic resources in the return to work: Exploring cancer survivor-supervisor perspectives. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41, 2151-2158.
Yagil, D., Eshed-Lavi, N. ,Carel, R., Cohen, M. (2019).Return to work of cancer survivors: predicting healthcare professionals’ assumed role responsibility. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 29, 443-450.
Yagil, D. There is no dark side of customer aggression − It’s all dark. Journal of Marketing Management, Special Issue on The Dark Side of Marketing, 33, 1413-1420.
de Rijk, A, Amir, Z., Cohen, M., Furlan, T., Godderis, L., Knezevic, B., Miglioretti, M., Munir, F., Popa, A., Sedlakova, M., Tamminga, S., Torp, S., Yagil, D., de Boer, A. (In Press). Managing cancer in the workplace: an empirical study on views of employers. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
Yagil, D. (in press)Positive framing of surface acting: the mitigating effect of self-serving attributions on sense of inauthenticity and emotional exhaustion. International Journal of Stress Management.
Yagil, D. & Dayan, H. (in press). Justification of aggression against nurses: The effect of aggressor distress and nurse communication quality. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Flugelman MY, Jaffe, R., Luria, G. & Yagil, D. (In Press). Trust in the physician reduces anxiety in an integrated community to hospital care system. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research.
Characteristics of customer service roles
Healthcare professional-patient interactions