שדמי אפרת, פרופ’

דרגה ותפקיד: פרופ’ חבר, סגן הדיקן למחקר
כתובת דוא״ל: eshadmi@univ.haifa.ac.il
כתובת דוא״ל:
טלפון: 04-6647964 (57164)
שעות קבלה: By appointment
חדר: בניין הפקולטה למדעי הרווחה והבריאות, קומה 3, חדר 322
אתר אישי:
שייכות לחוג / ביה”ס / יחידה:


My general research area is health services research quality and outcomes, studying the most effective ways to organize, manage, finance, and deliver high quality care with a special focus of nursing care models. Overall, my research addresses one of the main challenges of current health care organization and delivery globally – the need for an integrative approach that streamlines care across providers and care settings, providing an all-inclusive approach to the care for multiple health conditions, while comprehensively addressing a wide range of socio-cultural determinants for inequity in health. To advance current knowledge and practice in this integrative field and as it relates to nursing care in particular, I am developing and employing health information technology and nursing care management models that address patients’, families’ and healthcare systems’ needs across the care continuum.

Research Areas

  • Health services research
  • Quality of care and outcomes
  • Nursing care management models
  • Equity in health and health care
  • Chronic illness and multi-morbidity
  • Risk adjustment and predictive modeling
  • Integration of care across care settings