Roth Yefim, Dr.
Rank: Senior Lecturer
Phone: 04-8249953 (53953)
Reception Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences Bld., Floor 2, Room 206.
Personal Site:
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My broad research focus is on consumers welfare and decision making processes.
I focus on two main areas:
1. Field studies on how to enhance consumers wellbeing and welfare (e.g., improve healthy food consumption habits, reduce stress)
2. Individual decision making (e.g., how we decide which advise to follow and when to stop searching for information)
If you are interested on one of these topics – you are welcome to come to talk with me!
- Shavit, Y., Roth, Y., Busemeyer J,. Teodorescu, K. (2021), “Intertemporal choices in decisions from experience”, forthcoming in Decisions
- Shavit, Y., Roth, Y., & Teodorescu, K. (2021), “Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors by Incentivizing Exploration of Healthy Alternatives”, Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, 277.
- Plonsky O., Roth, Y., & Erev, I. (2021), “Underweighting of rare events in social interactions and its implications to the design of voluntary health applications”, Judgment and Decision Making, 16(2), 267-289.
- Doron S, Lahav Y, Roth, Y. (2021), “Reaching for Returns in Retail Structured Investment”, Management Science, in press
- Roth, Y., Plonsky O., Shalev, E., & Erev, I. (2020), “On the value of alert systems and gentle rule enforcement in addressing pandemics”, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3252.
- Roth, Y., (2020), “The Decision to Check in Multi-Alternative Choices and Limiter Sensitivity to Default”. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,
- Erev, I., Plonsky, O. & Roth, Y. (2020), “Complacency, panic, and the value of gentle rule enforcement in addressing pandemics”, Nature Human Behavior,
- Chebat, E., Roth, Y., & Chebat, J. C. (2020), “How Culture Moderates the Effects of Justice in Service Recovery”, Review of Marketing Science, 1.
- Erev, I., Gilboa Freedman, G., & Roth, Y. (2019), “The Impact of Rewarding Medium Effort and the Role of Sample Size”, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(5), 507-520.
- Roth, Y, (2016), “Do Brands Serve as a Reliable Signal of Nutritional Quality? The Case of Ready to Eat Cereals”, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23(1), 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2017.1244787.
- Roth, Y, Waenke M, & Erev I, (2016), “Click or Skip: The Role of Experience in Easy Click Checking decisions”, Journal of Consumer Research, 43(3), 583-597. DOI:
- Chebat, JC, Chebat CG, Erraday O, & Roth Y, (2015), “A Sensory Approach to Brand Confusion”, Journal of Brand Strategy, 5(1), 101-115.
Book Chapters
- Doron S, Lahav Y, & Roth, Y. (2021) “Stated Risk Preference Predicts Risk Appetite in Structured Investment”, Handbook of Experimental Finance, forthcoming
- Roth Y, & Yakobi, O. (2021), “Under and over reaction to information: The paradox of checking”, Handbook of Experimental Finance, forthcoming