תחילת דף אינטרנט, לחץ אנטר כדי לעבור לאזור תוכן מרכזי

Prof. Sara Rosenblum (PhD)

Head of the PhD program OT department.


Phone: 972-4-8240474

Office: Eshkol building room number 903

Occupational Therapy

I am a full professor and head of the laboratory of Complex Human Activity and Participation (CHAP), with special interest in  human daily function characteristics . I aim to gain better insight into interactions between varied body functions (e.g., cognitive, motor, sensory), activity performance and participation abilities of people faced with functional deficits in everyday life. A main emphasis is placed on populations with neuro-developmental and neurological disorders, trying to understand the relationships between their brain mechanisms and real-life daily function characteristics, while focusing  on handwriting as a complex human activity. More than 50 MA and PhD students conducted their studies at the CHAP laboratory under my supervision. Over hundred papers were published in high rank quality peer-reviewed journals.  


CHAP laboratory sitehttp://chap.haifa.ac.il

My publications:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=iw&user=9JnchRsAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=title