Cheshin Arik, Dr.

Rank: Senior Lecturer
Phone: 04-828-8557 (58557)
Reception Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences Bld., Floor 2, Room 228.
Personal Site:
Department / School / Unit:
אריק חשין


I discovered my love for research during my undergraduate studies of psychology at the University of Michigan. Since then I completed my MA and PhD at the Technion with a degree in Organizational Psychology and the realization that I wanted to pursue a career as a social scientist in the Israeli academia. I had a wonderful postdoc at the University of Amsterdam and now am excited about this position at the University of Haifa.

 I have recently formed the Emotions in Organzations lab – check it out here

Research Interests:

Interpersonal aspects of Emotions, Emotions in Service, Virtual Teams, Computer Mediated Communication, Emotions in Sports, Social Influence, Leadership, Group Processes

Additional websites:

Tedx talk – The power of emtional displays at work

Emotions@work podcast.

Hebrew Interviews

Radio Interview on The Einstein Effect

Interview regarding use of excessive paralingual cues (?!?) in email and its impact


Podcast interview on emotional contagion


Image may contain: 3 people


in Israel Sports Channel 5 – The impact of emotional displays of sport coaches

Service Providers Emotional Display

Service Providers Emotional Display

Radio interview on emotions in organzations

Power as an emotional liability: Implications for percieved authenticity and trust after a transgression


The dark side of a smiley


Hoogeveen, S., Haaf, J. M., Bulbulia, J. A., Ross, R. M., McKay, R., Altay, S., Bendixen, T., Berniūnas, R., Cheshin, A. et al., (2022). ‘The Einstein effect provides global evidence for scientific source credibility effects and the influence of religiosity’. Nature Human Behaviour.


Itzchakov, G., Weinstein, N., & Cheshin, A. (2022). ‘Learning to listen: Downstream effects of listening training on employees’ relatedness, burnout, and turnover intentions‘. Human Resource Management, 1–16.

Sidi, Y., Glikson, E., & Cheshin, A. (2021). Do you get what I mean?!? The undesirable outcomes of (ab)using paralinguistic cues in computer mediated communication. Frontiers in Psychology – Human-Media Interaction12, 1-10.

van Kleef, G., Heerdink, M. W., Cheshin, A., Stamkou, E., Wanders, F., Koning, L., Xia F., & Georgeac, O. (2021) No guts, no glory? How risk-taking shapes social rankJournal of Applied Psychology, DOI: 10.1037/apl0000868

Cheshin, A. (2020). The Impact of non-normative displays of emotion in the workplace: How inappropriateness shapes the interpersonal outcomes of emotional displays. Frontiers in Psychology doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00006

Efrat-Treister*, D., Cheshin*, A., Harari, D., Agasi, S., Moriah, H., Admi, H., Rafaeli, A. (2019). How psychology might alleviate violence in queues: Perceived future wait and perceived load moderate violence against service providers. PlosOne, 14(7): e0220395.

van Kleef, G., Cheshin, A., Koning, L.F., Wolf, S. A. (2019). Emotional games: How coaches’ emotional expressions shape players’ emotions, inferences, and team performance. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 41, 1-11.

Cheshin*, A., Amit*, A., & van Kleef, G. (2018). The interpersonal effects of emotion intensity in customer service: Perceived appropriateness and authenticity of attendants’ emotional displays shape customer trust and satisfaction.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , 144, 97-111.

Glikson*, E., Cheshin*, A., & van Kleef, G. (2018). The dark side of a smiley: Effects of smiling emoticons on virtual first impressions.  Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(5), 614-625.

Kim, P., Mislin, A., Tuncel, E., Fehr, R., Cheshin, A., & van Kleef, G. (2017). Power as an emotional liability: Implications for perceived authenticity and trust after a transgression. Journal of Experimental Psychology- General, 146(10), 1379-1401.

Cheshin, A., Heerdink, M. W., Kossakowski, J., Van Kleef, G. (2016). Pitching emotions: The interpersonal effects of emotions in baseball. Frontiers in Psychology – Emotion Science, 7, 1-13. DOI – 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00178.

van Kleef, G. A., Cheshin, A., Fischer, A. H., & Schneider, I. K. (2016) Editorial: The social nature of emotion. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-5. Part of the special issue: The Social Nature of Emotions. 

Gabriel, S. A., Cheshin, A., Moran, C., & van Kleef, G. (2016). Enhancing emotional performance and customer service through human resources practices: A systems perspective. Human Resource Management Review, 26(1), 14-24.

Cheshin, A., Bos, N., Kim, Y., Ning, N., & Olson, J. (2013). Emergence of differing electronic communication norms within partially distributed teams.Journal of Personnel Psychology, 12(1), 7-21.

van Kleef, G. A., Homan, A. C., & Cheshin, A. (2012). Emotional influence at work: Take it EASI. Organizational Psychology Review, 2(4), 311–339.

Cheshin, A., Rafaeli, A., & Eisenman, A. (2012). Encountering anger in the emergency department: Identification, evaluations and responses of staff members to anger displays. Emergency Medicine International, 12, 1-5. DOI: 10.1155/2012/603215.

Cheshin, A., Rafaeli, A., & Bos, D. N. (2011). Anger and happiness in virtual teams: Emotional influences of text and behavior on others’ affect in the absence of non-verbal cues. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 116(1), 2-16.

Rafaeli, A., Ravid, S., & Cheshin, A. (2009). Sensemaking in virtual teams: The impact of emotions and support tools on team mental models and team performance. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 24, 151-182. 

Bos, D. N., Olson, S. J., Nan, N., & Cheshin, A. (2009). Subgroup biases in partially distributed collaboration. Journal of Information Technology Research2(1), 1-18.

Bos, N., Shami, N.S., Olson, J.S., Cheshin, A., & Nan, N. (2004). In-group/out-group effects in distributed teams: an experimental simulation. Proceedings of the 2004 ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. ACM Press, Chicago, 429-436.