About The School of Creative Arts Therapies
At the School of Creative Arts Therapies, we believe that working together globally is the best way to advance the field of creative arts therapies.The Graduate School of Creative Arts…
At the School of Creative Arts Therapies, we believe that working together globally is the best way to advance the field of creative arts therapies.The Graduate School of Creative Arts…
Head of SchoolProf. Limor GoldnerPhone: 04-8280776 (57076)limor.goldner@gmail.comSchool administrationMrs. Miriam LevinPhone: 04-824-9750 (53750)mlevin@univ.haifa.ac.ilArt drama/psychodrama coordinatorMrs. Limor KeidarPhone: 04-824-0943 (52943)lkeidar1@univ.haifa.ac.ilMivhar coordinatorMrs. Ayali AmitPhone: 04-824-9482 (53482)aamit1@univ.haifa.ac.ilField Training AdministrationMrs. May Sweid IlaniPhone: 04-828-8824 (58824)Fax:…