סלע אושרת, ד”ר
I am a researcher and a scholar in the field of Speech and Language Therapy, leading novel and cutting edge research projects in the field, with new and original interventions. I completed my PhD in University of Canterbury, New Zealand under the mentorship of Dr. Maggie-Lee Huckabee, focusing on skill versus strength in swallowing training, during which we created a computer software called BISSKIT that provides biofeedback from the submental muscles, aimed at either improving skill or strength during therapy.
I am also a Speech and Language Therapist. I work clinically in Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital with patients with neurological insults and in Ezra Lemarpe (clinical lead) with patients with Parkinson’s Disease. In addition, I am involved in training SLPs working in the area of dysphagia, providing workshops and invited lectures in numerous hospitals and rehabilitation centers all over Israel. I took part in leading the first in-depth dysphagia course (60 hours) for SLTs in Israel through The Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association. I presented my research in conferences overseas and in Israel. I have a broad international network with leading dysphagia researchers, and I am involved in international research projects.
I served as a committee member in MoH, Bituach Le’umi and The Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association. I led the creation and writing of the first position paper and clinical guidelines in the management of ventilated patients, together with leading SLTs in Israel. I took part in writing the first position paper in dysphagia management.
Current research projects
- Association between swallowing ability, nutrition, frailty and sarcopenia in older adults living in the community
- Normative data for TOMASS (test of mastication and swallowing solids) and timed water swallow test
- Translation and validation of DRIPs (Drooling infants and preschoolers scale)
- Implementation of IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative) in health care settings in Israel
- SLT competency in management of patients with tracheostomy and ventilated patients (with Dr. Aviah Gvion and Dr. Jackie Macrae)
- Application of TOMASS and the timed water swallow test in PD
Current Master students projects:
*Auditory versus auditory-visual perception of voice quality among speech-language pathologists and otolaryngologists (Michael Finkelstein)
* The effects of enhanced sensation on swallowing safety and biomechanics
- Sella, O., Jones, R. and Huckabee, ML. (2014). Age and gender effects on submental motor evoked potentials. Age, 36(6), 9735
- Athukorala, R., Jones, R., Sella, O., Huckabee, ML. (2014) Skill Training for Swallowing Rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson’s Disease.Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(7), 1374-1382
- Huckabee, M. L., McIntosh, T., Fuller, L., Curry, M., Thomas, P., Walshe, M., McCague, E., Battel, I., Nogueira, D., Frank, U., van den Engel‐Hoek, L. & Sella-Weiss, O. (2018). The Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids (TOMASS): reliability, validity and international normative data. International journal of language & communication disorders, 53(1), 144-156.
- Pinkhusovsky, I. & Sella-Weiss, O. (2016) Feeding people with advanced dementia: a literature review. Dash Bareshet, 35, 1-24 (Hebrew).
- Katz, D. H., Sella, O., Golan, H., Banai, K., Van Swearingen, J., Krisciunas, G. P., & Abbott, K. V. (2019). Buteyko Breathing Technique for Exertion-Induced Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion (EI-PVFM). Journal of Voice.