פרסומי סגל החוג לבריאות נפש קהילתית - 2022

ד”ר אנואר חטיב

Khatib, A., & Abu-Rass, F., Khatib, A. (2023). Exploring the bereavement experience due to COVID-19 death among Arabs in Israel. OMEGA – Journal of death and Dying, 0(0), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228231187097

Laufer, A., Khatib, A. & Finkelstein, M. (2023). The association between mental health literacy and resilience among individuals who received therapy and those who did not. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice.19(1), 36-48. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMHTEP-08-2023-0072

ד”ר כרמית נעה-שפיגלמן

Shpigelman, C.N., & Bar, M. (2023). “I’m a good mother; I play with her; I love her”: The motherhood experience of women with intellectual disabilities from empowering and intersectional approaches. Disability and health journal, 101504. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101504

ד”ר עדי לביא רוטנברג

Lavi-Rotenberg, A., Frishman, N., Igra, L., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., & Hasson-Ohayon, I. (2023). Beyond one’s attitude toward the self: The role of social anxiety in self-stigma among individuals with schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Lavi-Rotenberg, A., Kivity, Y., Igra, L., Atzil-Slonim, D., & Hasson-Ohayon, I. (2023). A dyadic session-by-session assessment of therapeutic alliance and short-term outcome among clients with schizophrenia in comparison to people with emotional disorders. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.

ד”ר שירה ברזילי

Mevorach, T., Zur, G., Benaroya-Milshtein, N., Apter, A., Fennig, S., & Barzilay, S. (2023). A Following Wave Pattern of Suicide-Related Pediatric Emergancy Room Admissions during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021619 IF2022- NA, IF 2021 4.6, (R) 45/182 Q1 (public, environmental & occupational health)

Rogers, M. L., Richards, J. A., Cao, E., Krumerman, M., Barzilay, S., Blum, Y., Chistopolskaya, K., Çinka, E., Dudeck, M., Husain, M. I., Yilmaz, F. K., Kravtsova, N. A., Kuśmirek, O., Menon, V., Peper-Nascimento, J., Pilecka, B., Titze, L., Valvassori, S. S., You, S., & Galynker, I. (2023). Associations Between Long-Term and Near-Term Stressful Life Events, Suicide Crisis Syndrome, and Suicidal Ideation. International Journal of Stress Management. https://doi.org/10.1037/str0000272 IF 4.0, (R) 28/83 Q2 (psychology, applied)

Rogers, M. L., Cao, E., Richards, J. A., Mitelman, A., Barzilay, S., Blum, Y.#, … & Galynker, I. (2023). Changes in Daily Behaviors and Cognitions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations With Suicide Crisis Syndrome and Suicidal Ideation. Clinical Psychological Science, 21677026221148732. IF 4.8, (R) 13/81 Q1 (psychology)

Rogers, M. L., McMullen, L., Liang, Y., Perez, N., Richards, J. A., Akülker, G., Barzilay, S., Bilici, R., Blum, Y.#, Chistopolskaya, K., Dudeck, M., Husain, M. I., Kuśmirek, O., Luiz, J. M., Menon, V., Pilecka, B., Sadovnichaya, V., Titze, L., Valvassori, S. S., … Galynker, I. (2023). Cross-national presence and sociodemographic correlates of the suicide crisis syndrome. Journal of Affective Disorders, 329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.02.076 IF 6.6, (R) 32/155 Q1 (psychiatry)

Toukhy, N., Barzilay, S., Hamdan, S., Grisaru-Hergas, D., Haruvi-Catalan, L., Levis Frenk, M., Apter, A., Benaroya-Milshtein, N., Fennig, S., & Gvion, Y. (2023). Implicit identification with death detects and predicts short-term suicide risk among adolescents discharged from the emergency room. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1111/sltb.12958 IF 3.2, (R) 48/147 Q2 (psychology, multidisciplinary)

Barzilay, S., Fine, S., Akhavan, S., Haruvi-Catalan, L., Apter, A., Brunstein-Klomek, A., … & Fennig, S. (2023). Real-Time Real-World Digital Monitoring of Adolescent Suicide Risk During the Six Months Following Emergency Department Discharge: Protocol for an Intensive Longitudinal Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 12(1), e46464. IF 1,7, (R) – NA

Toukhy, N., Barzilay, S., Apter, A., Gvion, Y. Hamdan, S., (2023). Implicit Identification with Death, Clinician Evaluation and Suicide Ideation among Adolescent Psychiatric Outpatients- The Mediating Role of Depression. Archives of Suicide Research.  IF 2.8 56/147 Q2 (psychology, multidisciplinary) (2022)

Adini-Spigelman, E., Gvion, Y., Haruvi Catalan, L., Barzilay, S., Apter, A., Brunstein Klomek, A., Comparative Effectiveness of Ultra-Brief, IPT-A based Crisis Intervention for Suicidal Children and Adolescents (2024). Archives of Suicide Research. IF 2.8 56/147 Q2 (psychology, multidisciplinary)


פרופ’ דיויד רועה

Daass-Iraqi, S., Garber-Epstein, P., & Roe, D. (2023). Facilitators and Barriers in the Implementation of a Culturally Adapted Arabic Version of Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) among Palestinian Arabs in Israel. Transcultural Psychiatry.

Gearing, R. E., Brewer, K. B., Smith, L., Carr, L. C., & Roe, D. (2023). Mental health public stigma in U.S. Jewish communities. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Mental Health Public Stigma in US Jewish Communities, Vol.211 (2)

Yamin, A., Katav, S., Levi, L., Yanos, P. T., Goldblatt, H., & Roe, D. (2023). Double Stigma: Implementing Narrative Enhancement and Cognitive Therapy (NECT) with LGBTQ Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Kaizerman-Dinerman, A., Roe, D., Demeter, N. et al. Do symptoms moderate the association between participation and executive functions outcomes among people with schizophrenia?. BMC Psychiatry 23, 42 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-022-04510-0

Roe, D. & Lysaker, P.H (2023). Meaning, Recovery and Psychotherapy in Light of the Art of Jazz. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

Asher M, Roe D, Hasson-Ohayon I. (2023) Attitudes toward and patterns of medication use among people with serious mental illness: There’s more than meets the eye. Front Psychiatry.

Schneidman, A., Elefant, C., Keren, R., Ben-Shachar, S., Roe, D. (2023). Group Music Therapy for People Living with Mental Health Conditions in the Community: A Pilot Longitudinal Quantitative Micro-Analysis Study. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy.

Hareven, O., Kron, T., Roe, D., Koren, D. (2023). First-hand Reports of Prolonged Social Withdrawal: Contributing Factors, Experiences, and Change Processes. Mental Health and Social Inclusion.‏

Roe, D. & Lysaker, P.H (2023). Unique contributions that exposure to the arts brings to the practice of psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.

Speyer, H. & Roe, D. (2023). Implications of the RADAR study: The dignity of risk-taking. Lancet Psychiatry
Hoter Ishay, G., Wagner, L., Meidan, O., Gerber Epstein, P. & Roe, D.(2023). Promoting positive self-identity of youth with mental disorders: Academia and Ministry of Education Collaboration. Psychiatric services.

פרופ’ דנה צור ביתן

Grossman-Giron, A., Maoz, H., Nitzan U., Kivity, Y., Zilcha-Mano, S., Bloch Y., Mendlovic, S., Tzur Bitan, D+. (2023). Intranasal oxytocin as add-on treatment for inpatients with severe mental illness: A randomized clinical trial. Neuropsychobiology, 82(1), 14-23.

Grossman-Giron, A., Tzur Bitan, D., Shemesh, S., Mayer, Y., Shiffman, N., Bloch, Y. (2023). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Scale and its association with Actual COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Israel. Vaccine, 41(9), 1567-1572.

Tzur Bitan, D., Grossman-Giron, A., Sedoff, O., Zilcha-Mano, S., Nitzan, U., Maoz, H. (2023). A double-edged hormone: The moderating role of Personality and Attachment on Oxytocin’s treatment facilitation effect. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 151, 1-6.
Grossman-Giron, A., Atzil-Slonim, D., Maoz, H., Nitsan, U., Tzur Bitan, D. (In press). The Effect of Oxytocin Administration on Patient-Therapist Alliance Congruence. Psychotherapy Research. 1-10.

Maoz, H., Grossman-Giron, A#., Sedoff, O#., Nitsan, U., Tzur Bitan, D. (In press). Intranasal Oxytocin as an adjunct treatment among patients with severe major depression with and without comorbid borderline personality disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Friedlander, A., Sinai, D., Zilcha-Mano, S., Weiser, M., Caspi, A., Lichtenberg, P., Tzur Bitan, D. (In press). The formation and development of the working alliance in psychiatric hospitalization alternatives: An open comparative study. Psychiatric Services. 1-7.

Shemesh, S., Feldman, R., Zagoory-Sharon, O., Tzur Bitan, D., Grossman-Giron, A., Chen, D., Maoz, H., Bloch. Y. (Accepted for publication). Oxytocin as a transdiagnostic biomarker of well-being in severe mental illness during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Psychiatric Research.

Feingold, D., Tzur Bitan, D., Ferri, M., Hoch, E. (Accepted for publication). Predictors of Effective Therapy among Individuals with Cannabis Use Disorder: A Review of the Literature European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.

פרופ’ מרק גלקופף

Gilad, G.; Luria, J; Roe, D; Gelkopf, M; Khatib, A.; Shadmi, E. (Accepted). Comparing outcome measures of psychiatric rehabilitation between different ethnic-religious groups in Israel. Transcultural Psychiatry.

Westh, J., Gelkopf, M., Bloomfield, M. A. P., & Greene, T. (2023). Does armed conflict exposure predict psychotic experiences in the general population? An experience sampling study.International Journal of Stress Management. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/str0000308

Mordoch, I., Shadmi, E., Roe, D., & Gelkopf, M. (2023). Physical Health in People with Severe Mental Illness: the Role of Social Support. Body of Knowledge [Guf-Yeda Hebrew]. 23(31-44).

Baum, E., Gelkopf, M. (2023). The role of the timing of previous traumatic events in moderating the relationship between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress. Traumatology.

Gelkopf, M., Berger, R., Dicker-Oren, S.D., Lapid Pickman, L., Greene, T. (2023). Trauma history predicts symptomatology depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms better than a diagnosis of mental disorder: Comparing wartime, routine time, and early COVID-19 in Israel. Stress and Health

Khatib, A., Ben-David, V., Abo-Rass, F. Gelkopf, M. Roe, D. (2023). Mental Health Literacy Among GPs in Israel. A Qualitative Study. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services.. Special Issue 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/10443894221121764

Nisim, U., Zlotnick, C., Roe, D., Gelkopf, M., Shadmi, E. (accepted).”Re-hospitalizations among persons with severe mental illness in rehabilitation care settings: a Health Behavior
Model analysis” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

Mazor, Y., Gelkopf, M., Roe, D. (2023) Posttraumatic growth in psychosis: Symptoms, meaning, and coping‏. European Psychiatry 66 (S1), S496-S497

פרופ’ עמית באומל

Baumel, A., Brandes, O., Brendryen, H., Muench, F., Kane, J. M., & Saar, C. (2023). The impact of therapeutic persuasiveness on engagement and outcomes in unguided interventions: A randomized pilot trial of a digital parent training program for child behavior problems. Internet Interventions, 34, 100680.

Muench, F., Madden, S., Oommen, S., Forthal, S., Srinagesh, A., Kuerbis, A., Stadler, G., Leeman, R., Suffoletto, B., Baumel, A., Vadan, N., Haslip, C., & Morgenstern, J. (2023). Automated, tailored adaptive mobile messaging to reduce alcohol consumption in help‐seeking adults: A randomized controlled trial. Addiction, [Epub ahead of print].

Baumel, A. (2023). Digital tools in the service of peer and social support for perinatal mental health. Current Psychiatry Reports, [Epub ahead of print].

#Ashur, O., & Baumel, A. (2023). Development and factor analysis of the eHealth Therapeutic Alliance Inventory. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, [Epub ahead of print].

#Cohen, M., Roe, D., & Baumel, A. (2023). Unmet needs and perceived challenges in early intervention for psychosis: A qualitative study of three groups of stakeholders. Families in Society, 104(1), 20-30.