
מנחה: פרופ’ גיל לוריא, החוג לשירותי אנוש, אוניברסיטת חיפה.

כיום:יועצת ארגונית ומרצה באקדמיה במכללת עמק יזרעאל ובעוד חברות מובילות במשק

Academic background

MA, 2014- Thesis toward PhD – Human Services, Haifa University.

Master’s degree thesis research: Impact of Mood state on Handwriting Performance, thesis advisor Prof. Gil Luria

MA, 1997 – 2000, Management, Boston University

BA, 1985 – 1988, Psychology, University of Haifa


Employee Experience and Perseverance in anOrganizational Road Safety Intervention -Mixed Method interdisciplinary study, with texting while driving as exemplar

Phd Dissertationabstract

Prevention of road accidents is an important global health and safety issue. Unsafe driving practices such as texting while driving significantly impact population health and safety outcomes. At the workplace, unsafe behaviors have been shown to reduce productivity and increase absenteeism. One of the major rationales for conducting Organizational Health and Safety (OHS) interventions at the workplace is the potential to reach a high percentage of employees, including many who would otherwise be unlikely to engage in preventive safety behaviors. While it is clear that OHS interventions are a much needed practice to deal with safety risks, there is yet a gap in the literature regarding the employees’ perceptions about OHS interventions and factors that impact their perseverance in them, since many employees drop from interventions in their early stages.

The current paper addresses this gap by focusing on the following questions:

· How do employees perceive a workplace road safety intervention they completed?

· What correlates with the perseverance of employees in the road safety intervention?

This study contributes to the field of OHS interventions in three ways: First, by adding to the knowledge of how employees experience workplace OHS interventions. Second, by contributing to the understanding of what promotes the perseverance of employees in an organizational safety intervention.Lastly, the successful outcome of the intervention supports the utilization of accessible cost-effective information and communication technology (ICT) to develop, implement and assess an OHS intervention focused on road safety.



Rispler, C., Luria, G., Kahana, A. et: Impact of Mood state on Handwriting Performance, Cognitive Computation (2018) p. 398-407.

Rispler, C., & Luria, G. (2020). Employee perseverance in a “no phone use while driving” organizational road-safety intervention. Accident Analysis & Prevention144, 105689.

Rispler, C., & Luria, G. (2021). Employee Experience and Perceptions of an Organizational Road-Safety Intervention – A Mixed-Methods Study – SAFETY SCIENCE Volume 134.

Presentations at Conferences

  • European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology – EAWOP

EAWOP congress in Oslo, 20th-234d of May 2015

Impact of mood on cognition – handwriting performance as exemplar

Clara Rispler, Tssipy Lotan, Gil Luria

  • International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology
    Brisbane, Australia, 2-5 August 2016

“When Technology meets Human Nature in Organizations:
A theoretical model with driver- texting as exemplar”
Clara Rispler¹, Tsippy Lotan², Gil Luria¹

Scholarships, Awards, Research Grants

2015-2017 – ISF – When technology meets human nature in organizations – a theoretical model with driver texting as exemplar (PI Prof. Luria Gil).

2014-2018 – Ran Naor Foundation

Academic Appointments

Lecturer -July 2013- present, Department of Human Services, Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, Israel