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תפריט ראשי של האתר

ענת רוטשטיין

  AnatRotsteinAnat Rotstein (Sup. Prof. David Roe & Prof. Stephen Levin)

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. Anat has a BA in psychology from the University of Haifa, an MsC in Industrial Psychology from the Technion and a post-graduate diploma in Clinical Psychology from Tel-Aviv University

Current Research

Understanding disparities between consumers and providers of mental health services in the ratings of consumers’ outcome measures.

The present study aims to examine the extent to which providers and consumers of mental health services share common assessments as to major aspects of the consumers’ life, as measured by routine outcome measurments (ROM). Client-centered approaches urge providers to explore and value the subjective experiences and interpretations of their consumers in the context of helping relationships. Congruent ratings were thus conceptualized as a strength factor for the relationships, potentially improving treatment outcomes. By contrast, the existence of disparities was conceptualized as a negative characteristic of the relationship, potentially harmful to treatment outcomes. Despite this potential, theory and research provide good reason to suggest that some perceptual disparities can be beneficial to the consumer and the treatment. The present study will attempt to critically test these competing approaches.


SMI; Psychiatric Rehabilitation; Outcome Assessment

Recent conferences

Rotstein, A. & Erez, M. (2010). Effects of Means Efficacy & Core Self-Evaluations on Employment Status. Presented at the annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Atlanta, Georgia.