Freund Anat, Prof.

Rank: Associate Professor (Head of School of Social Work)
Phone: 04-8240215 (000000)
Reception Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences Bld., Floor 6, Room 625.
Department / School / Unit:
ענת פרוינד



  1. Zibolsky, A., Gutman, D., & Freund, A. (1986). The lifestyle of doctors, nurses and social workers in Israel after retirement. Society & Welfare, 1, 38-48 (in Hebrew).
  2. Arkin, N., Freund, A., & Saltman, I. (1999).  A group supervision model for broadening multiple-method skills of social work students. Social Work Education, 18 (1), 49-58. 
  1. Freund, A. (2001). Developing young leadership within the Ethiopian immigrant group in Israel. International Journal of Group Tensions, 30, 369-384.
  2. Freund, A. (2002). A model for community-based legal counseling and aid for new immigrants. Sociological Papers, 9 (1), 1-14. 
  1. Carmeli, A., & Freund, A. (2002). The relationship between work and workplace attitudes and perceived external prestige. Corporate Reputation Review, 5, 51-70.


  1. Freund, A. (2002). Teaching successful community practice in social work: An integrative approach. Journal of Community Practice, 10 (3), 75-92. 


  1. Freund, A., & Carmeli, A. (2003). An empirical assessment: Reconstructed model for five universal forms of work commitment. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18, 708-725 


  1. Carmeli, A., & Freund, A. (2004). Work commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior, 7, 289-309 


  1. Carmeli, A., & Freund, A. (2004). The relationship between work commitment and organizational citizenship behavior among lawyers in the private sector. Journal of Behavioral & Applied Management, 5, 93-113 


  1. Freund, A. (2005). Commitment and job satisfaction as predictors of turnover intentions among welfare workers. Administration in Social Work, 29 (2), 5-21


  1. Freund, A. (2005). Work attitudes of social workers across three sectors of welfare organizations: Public, for-profit, and Third Sector. Journal of Social Service Research, 31 (3), 69-92



  1. Freund, A., & # Bar-Ilan, L. (2005). Commitment of social workers in community and total welfare organizations serving the elderly: The influence of burnout and satisfaction. Gerontology, 32 (1), 81-105 (in Hebrew)


  1. Freund, A., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2005). Inter-professional team effectiveness: Myth or reality? The effects of organizational (role structuring) and personal (organizational commitment and job involvement) factors on inter-professional teamwork in the community. Social Security, 68, 70-101 (in Hebrew)


  1. Cohen, A., & Freund, A. (2005). A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between multiple commitments and withdrawal cognitions. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 21, 329-351.


  1. Freund, A. (2006). Work and workplace attitudes’ influence on social workers: Do they predict organizational reputation? Business & Society Review, 111 (1), 67-87. 


  1. Boehm, A., & Freund, A. (2007). How using a marketing approach helps social work students to develop community projects successfully. British Journal of Social Work, 37, 695-714. 


  1. Freund, A., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2007) Organizational (role structuring) and personal (organizational commitment and job involvement) factors: Do they predict Inter-professional team effectiveness? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21, 319-334. 


  1. Drach-Zahavy, A., & Freund, A. (2007). Team effectiveness under stress: A structural Contingency approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 423-450. 


  1. Carmeli, A., & Freund, A. (2009). Linking perceived external prestige to withdrawal intentions among social workers in non-profit welfare organizations. Journal of Social Service Research, 35, 236-250.  


  1. Drach-Zahavy, A., Shadmi, E., Freund, A., & Goldfracht, M. (2009). High quality diabetes care: Testing the effectiveness of strategies of regional implementation teams. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 22 (7), 1-34 


  1. Freund, A., Blit-Cohen, E., Dehan, N., & Cohen, A. (2012). Commitment to the profession of novice social work students: Demographic characteristics, motives, perceptions of the profession. Social Security, 88, 115-143 (in Hebrew)


  1. Freund, A., Blit-Cohen, E., Dehan, N., & Cohen, A. (2013). Professional commitment in novice social work students: Socio-demographic characteristics, motives and perceptions of the profession. Social Work Education, 32, 867-889. 


  1. Freund, A., & Band-Winterstein. T. (2013). Between tradition and modernity: Social work related change processes in the Jewish ultra-orthodox society in Israel. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 422-433. 
  2. Freund, A., Cohen, M., & Azaiza, F. (2014). The doctor is just a messenger: Beliefs of Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women in regard to breast cancer and screening. Journal of Religion & Health, 53, 1075-1090


  1. Band-Winterstein, T., & +Freund, A. (2015). Is it enough to “speak Haredi”? Cultural sensitivity in social workers encountering Jewish Ultra-Orthodox clients in Israel. British Journal of Social Work, 45, 968-987. 


  1. Schaedel, B., Freund, A., Azaiza, F., Hertz-Lazarowitz, R., Boehm, A., & Eshet, Y. (2015). School climate and teachers’ perceptions of parental involvement in Jewish and Arab Primary schools in Israel. International Journal about Parents in Education, 9 (1), 77-92 


  1. Freund, A., Yahav, R., & # Gilboa-Arama, B. (2016). Workplace spirituality in social services departments. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 35 (3), 245-262 


  1. Freund, A. (2016). Rescue fantasy and reality check: Social work students’ professional commitment on the micro and macro levels – A longitudinal study. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 77 (3), 269-294


  1. Freund, A., & # Zriker, A. (2016). Past time activity or a life time activity? Commitment to the profession of novice social workers and the relations to organizational sector, role ambiguity, and attachment style. Society & Welfare, 36 (3-4), 307-330 (in Hebrew)


  1. Freund, A., & Band-Winterstein, T. (2017). Social workers in multi-cultural societies: Using a phenomenological lens to develop an integrative approach. Qualitative Social Work, 16 (1), 44-59. 


  1. Freund, A., Cohen, A., Blit-Cohen, E., & Dehan, N. (2017). Professional socialization and commitment to the profession in social work students: A longitudinal study exploring the effect of attitudes, perception of the profession, teaching, training and supervision. Journal of Social Work, 17(6), 635-658 


  1. Freund, A. & Band-Winterstein, T. (2017). Cultural Psychiatry: A spotlight on the experience of clinical social workers’ encounter with Jewish ultra-Orthodox mental health clients. Community Mental Health Journal, 53 (5), 613-625. 
  1. Freund, A. (2017). The fair sex and unfair treatment in management of community-based organizations. International Journal of Manpower, 38 (4), 518-532 


  1. Freund, A., # Zriker, A., & # Abu-Younis, F. (2018). Between professional leadership and political leadership: Social workers in social services departments in the Arab local authorities in Israel. Society & Welfare, 38(1), 23-51 (in Hebrew)


  1. Band-Winterstein. T. & Freund, A. (2018). “Walking between the raindrops”: Intimate partner violence in the ultra-Orthodox society in Israel from social workers’ perspective. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(19), 3001-3024. 


  1. Freund, A. & # Guez, G. (2018). Intentions to leave supervision among social work supervisors: Contributing factors. Social Work Education: The international Journal, 37 (4), 458-471.


  1. Freund, A., Schaedel, B., Azaiza, F., Boehm, A., & Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. (2018). Parental involvement among Jewish and Arab parents: Patterns and contextual predictors. Children & Youth Services Review, 85, 194-201


  1. Freund, A., & # Baruchin, E. (2018). Factors associated with help-seeking among people of the Haredi faith-based community. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 79(4), 497-514. 
  1. Freund, A., & Band-Winterstein. T. (2019). Social worker’s attempts to navigate among the elderly, their families, and foreign home care workers in the Haredi community. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 38(5), 617-638. 


  1. Freund, A., Cohen, M., & Azaiza, F. (2019). Factors associated with routine screening for the early detection of breast cancer in cultural-ethnic and faith-based communities. Ethnicity & Health, 24 (5), 527-543 


  1. Freund, A., Cohen, M., & Azaiza, F. (2019). A culturally tailored intervention for promoting breast cancer screening among women from faith-based communities in Israel: A randomized controlled study. Research on Social Work Practice, 29 (4), 375-388.



  1. Freund, A., # Zriker, A., & # Shor, E. (2019). “All Glorious is the Princess within Her Chamber”: The ideological-spiritual fulfillment of ultra-Orthodox Jewish women in the changing employment environment. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 38(2), 140-160.



  1. Goldblatt, H.,Freund, A., Drach-Zahavy, A., Enosh, G., Peterfreund, I., & Edlis, N. (2020). Providing health care in the shadow of violence: Does emotion regulation vary among hospital workers from different professions? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(9-10), 1908-1933. 


  1. Freund, A., # Koltun, G.J. & # Zriker, A. (2020). Career commitment among social workers: Contribution of personal and organizational factors. Accepted for publication in Society & Welfare, 39(4), 689-710 (in Hebrew)



Accepted for Publication

  1. Freund, A. (2019). A Culturally based socialization to social work: Comparison of faith-based and secular students. Accepted for publication to Social Work Education: The International Journal. doi: 10.1080/02615479.2019.1664453.


  1. Freund, A. & # Zriker, A. (2020). Do multiple commitments predict job satisfaction in non-profit organizations? A longitudinal analysis. Accepted for publication to European Journal of International Management. doi: 10.1504/EJIM.2020.10028834


  1. Enosh, G., Freund, A., Goldblatt, H., Drach-Zahavy, A., Gindi, M., & Offer-Bialer, G. (All authors contributed equally to this article). Whose fault is it? Attribution of causes of patient violence among exposed and unexposed family physicians. Accepted for publication to Health and Social Care in the Community.